International Theatre Workshop in Berlin (Germany)
within the project WALLS_SEPARATE WORLDS
with the support of the “Culture Programme 2007-2013” of the European Union
Astràgali Teatro (Italy), in collaboration with the German Centre of the International Theatre Institute, is pleased to announce the launch of the Call for Participation in an International Theatre Workshop in Berlin, within the project WALLS-Separate Worlds, supported by the European Union “Culture Programme 2007-2013”.
Workshop activities
The workshop aims to explore a specific method on the creation of a ‘theatrical action’, combining physical training with work on memory and text. The epic poem Metamorphoses by Ovid will be the text of reference for the workshop.
The workshop is also related with the main issue of the project Walls-Separate Worlds: the topic investigates the presence of walls, as concrete symbols of separate worlds in situations of conflict and of lack of mutual recognition. Within the project theatre is considered as a critical instrument against discrimination and conflict.
The workshop will have the following work schedule: from 10 am to 4 pm.
The International Theatre Workshop is conducted by Fabio Tolledi.
Target group: max 20 young professional actors and actresses from Germany, the European Union and other countries.
Dates: 5-6 April 2014
Venue: Studio 2 at Kunstquartier Bethanien, 13357 Berlin (Germany)
The participation in the workshop is free of charge.
The organization is not responsible for the participants travels and stay costs.
Submission requirements
Applicants must submit the following documents electronically (in English) to this e-mail address by 20th March, 12 noon CET:
• An updated CV, including a phone number and email address
• A short letter of motivation (max. 400 words) specifying what you expect to take away from the programme.
Important: Basic working knowledge of English is required. All correspondence will be per e-mail only, unless a specific request has been made to the organizers.
Deadline for Submissions
20th March 2014.
For further details please contact (in English):
Ms. Roberta Quarta, Ms. Iula Marzulli
Admission Decision
All applicants will be notified of the decision of the Evaluation Committee a few days after the deadline, in order to allow participants to arrange their travel. If you are offered admission, you will need to accept the offer in writing.
The project WALLS-Separate worlds is promoted by Eufoniaàgali Teatro, in partnership with: University of Salento-Department of History, Society and Human Studies, Babelmed, Italian Centre of International Theatre Institute, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese (Italy), Theatro Tsi Zakynthos (Greece), Cyprus Centre of ITI (Cyprus), Theatre Madrasa_PRA Performance Research Association (Turkey), Un Vrai Beau Gars and the International Theatre Institute Directorate General (France)
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein